Madan Trader

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts for consideration in SANCHAR SUTRA - A JOURNAL OF MASS COMMUNICATION & MEDIA RESEARCH should be submitted electronically only.

The Co-editors and Editorial Board make every effort to review manuscripts thoroughly and promptly. One of the co-editors initially determines whether the content of the manuscript is appropriate for the journal and whether there is sufficient publication potential to proceed with anonymous reviews. Manuscripts that do not pass this initial screening are returned immediately. If a manuscript is sent out for the review process it is typically completed in eight to ten weeks.

Submissions should consist of a cover file and a separate manuscript file.

The cover file should include:

  •   The manuscript title.
  •   Author(s), affiliation, contact information, and e-mail address.
  •   Any acknowledgements.
  •   Author biographies (100 words maximum for all authors).

The manuscript file should:

  • Include an abstract of no more than 150 words.
  • List 4 to 5 keywords.
  • Be de-identified: It is important that authors’ names do not appear anywhere other than on the cover file (if questions arise in specific     circumstances, when de-identification might be more revealing than including the authors’ names, please contact the editorial office).
  • Be submitted as MS Word files (Windows Vista users, please save files down to the pre-2007, “.doc” versions).
  • Be prepared in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.
  • Submit the datasets for verification of the results obtained. 
  • Declare about conflict of interest, funding, ethical committee approvel etc
  • In particular, the entire manuscript should be double spaced, and manuscripts should have 1 inch margins on all four sides.
  • References should be carefully edited to ensure consistency with APA guidelines and include DOI numbers.
  • Statistics and statistical analyses should be reported in line with APA guidelines including standard deviations and effect sizes when applicable.  Confidence intervals must be reported when bootstrapping is utilized.  Further, inclusion of correlation matrices as online appendix is strongly recommended (as this information facilitates meta-analyses).
  • Figures and tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript file and numbered in the order they appear in text. Tables should be editable, formatted in line with APAguidelines, and have a clear title.
  • An in-text callout (example: “[Figure 1 here]”) should be inserted on a separate line just after the paragraph where each figure or table appears.
  • All figures should be submitted in the original program in which they were created (JPG, TIFF, or EPS; Microsoft Application Files are acceptable for line art).
  • Any scanned images should be set at 1200 dpi for line art and 300 dpi for color or grayscale.
  • Appendices should be used sparingly and should be lettered to set them apart from numbered tables/figures.
  • Online appendices can now be used and do not count towards the 35-page limit. They are hosted on the Communication Research site and linked to the article metadata and viewable in the TOC and article page itself. Upon submission, authors can denote appendices as “Online Appendix” and otherwise simply include them in the submission files, while following APA guidance for appendices. It is recommended that the paper is below 35 pages in length; authors may provide supplementary materials to be published later as online appendices.

Previously copyrighted material:

  • Authors are responsible for gaining permission to reproduce any copyrighted material in their submissions, including images and quotations of more than 300 words.
  • If another manuscript drawing on the same dataset has been submitted or published previously, please explain how it differs from this manuscript in your cover letter.
  • Permission in email format is acceptable.
  • Authors may also submit a Copyright Permission Request Form completed by the copyright holder.
  • Payment of any fees the copyright holder may request is the author’s responsibility.
  • Because obtaining reprint permission can be time-consuming, it is recommended that authors begin this process as soon as possible.

Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in the journal:

  • Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal.
  • Authors should not submit manuscripts that have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content.
  • If another manuscript drawing on the same dataset has been submitted or published previously, please explain how it differs from this manuscript in your cover letter.
  • Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the Editorial office (Link).

Read the following guidelines before submitting the Manuscript:

Please also note that we are likely to reject:

  • Papers that are less than 4000 words,
  • Presented in bullet points,
  • With missing sections (i.e. hypothesis development, discussion),
  • Without explicitly explained methodological steps (if quantitative study SEM study, authors should provide reliability/validity coefficients, CFA and SEM model fit indices)
  • Without any theoretical contribution and application to a wider research
  • Without the analysis of findings and future research suggestions if review paper.
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